
June 29, 2011

I’ve been working on a code library recently. Since I don’t have much to blog about, I figure I’d share a piece from the library every day (and maybe more often). Today, you get my handy DisplayObject rotator class.

package  libTF
	import flash.display.DisplayObject;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	public class Rotator 
		public static function rotateAboutInternalPoint(obj:DisplayObject, pt:Point, amt:Number):void
			var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(pt.x * pt.x + pt.y * pt.y);
			var ang:Number = Math.atan2(pt.y, pt.x);
			pt.x = Math.cos(ang + obj.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * dist;
			pt.y = Math.sin(ang + obj.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * dist;
			rotateAboutRelativePoint(obj, pt, amt);
		public static function rotateAboutRelativePoint(obj:DisplayObject, pt:Point, amt:Number):void
			obj.rotation += amt;
			var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(pt.x * pt.x + pt.y * pt.y)
			var ang:Number = Math.atan2( pt.y, pt.x) * 180 / Math.PI + amt;
			obj.x += -Math.cos(ang * Math.PI / 180) * dist + pt.x;
			obj.y += -Math.sin(ang * Math.PI / 180) * dist + pt.y;
		public static function rotateAboutCoordinatePoint(obj:DisplayObject, pt:Point, amt:Number):void
			pt.x -= obj.x;
			pt.y -= obj.y;
			rotateAboutRelativePoint(obj, pt, amt);
		public static function rotateTowardsAngle(obj:DisplayObject, ang:Number, rot:Number, limit:Boolean = true):void
			var ang1:Number = obj.rotation % 360;
			if (ang1 < 0) {ang1 += 360; }
			ang %= 360;
			if (ang < 0) { ang += 360; }
			var da:Number = ang - ang1;
			if (Math.abs(da) < rot) { obj.rotation = ang; }
			else if (da > 180 || (da < 0 && da > -180)) { obj.rotation -= rot; }
			else if ((da > 0 && da <= 180) || da < -180) { obj.rotation += rot; }
		public static function rotateTowardsInternalPoint(obj:DisplayObject, pt:Point, rot:Number, limit:Boolean = true):void
			var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(pt.x * pt.x + pt.y * pt.y);
			var ang:Number = Math.atan2(pt.y, pt.x);
			pt.x = Math.cos(ang + obj.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * dist;
			pt.y = Math.sin(ang + obj.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * dist;
			rotateTowardsRelativePoint(obj, pt, rot, limit);
		public static function rotateTowardsRelativePoint(obj:DisplayObject, pt:Point, rot:Number, limit:Boolean = true):void
			rotateTowardsAngle(obj, Math.atan2(pt.y, pt.x), rot, limit);
		public static function rotateTowardsCoordinatePoint(obj:DisplayObject, pt:Point, rot:Number, limit:Boolean = true):void
			rotateTowardsAngle(obj, Math.atan2(pt.y - obj.y, pt.x - obj.x), rot, limit);
		public static function rotateTowardsMouse(obj:DisplayObject, rot:Number, limit:Boolean = true):void
			if (obj.parent)
				rotateTowardsAngle(obj, Math.atan2(obj.parent.mouseY - obj.y, obj.parent.mouseX - obj.x) * 180 / Math.PI, rot, limit);
